Men's Hair Package

Hair Oil 4oz Hair Oil 8oz Hair Oil
Hair Balm 2oz Hair Balm 4oz Hair Balm
Do you always get bad hair days? If yes, then you need to develop a good hair care routine to keep your hair in top shape! Make the switch to our all-natural men's hair care products NOW! Buy this set today. 

✔️ Hair Oil
Our Natural Hair Oil maintains your hair's natural shine and softness. Its antiseptic properties will help reduce dry scalp, fungi, bacteria, and other microbes present. It also stimulates hair growth by penetrating deeper into your hair follicle.

✔️ Argan Oil
Stimulates hair growth, repairs split ends and damaged hair follicles, improves hair thickness, and smoothens hair surface while giving a glossy look to dull and lifeless hair.

✔️ Men’s Natural Hair Balm
Ensures absolute hair and scalp protection and achieves meticulously groomed hair and scalp. It has antibacterial properties, nutrients, and other organic hair-stimulating ingredients and essential oils.